Rincian bungkusan: | Pakét standar ékspor internasional |
Detil Pangiriman: | Dina 90 dinten |
1.utomatis garis pamrosesan bubuk tomat
2. ngarancang otomatis pikeun ngahémat kuli
Konfigurasi 3.fleksibel
4. jaminan sataun
Bubuka Umum
Shanghai JUMP Otomatis Alat-alatna Co., Ltd. nyaéta committed to providing tanjeunna food procesjantenrs, suppliers and otnya customers around the world with leading technology, high-quality product, individuaAbdi jantenlution jeung superiatawa service After nearly 15 years ' ihenteuvation sareng self-development, JUMP ngabogaan beid a leading supplier in China fatawa complete plants tina machinery jeung engineering Vegetablés and fruit paste proces Unduh salaku PDF